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Uzbekistan plans construction of 5 GW of renewable energy capacities by 2030

01 декабря 2020
Views: 807

In the Karmana district of Navoi region, of the United Arab Emirates will construct a 100 MW solar power plant worth $ 100 million.

In order to implement the project, Masdar Company has founded a foreign enterprise NUR NAVOI SOLAR.

Construction work began in the third quarter of 2020 and will be fully completed in the third quarter of 2021.

Uzbekistan plans construction of renewable energy capacities 5 GW by 2030. Within the Scaling Solar program of the International Finance Corporation, it is planned to commission 1 GW of photovoltaic energy capacities.

In November 2019, an investment agreement was signed between Masdar Company of the United Arab Emirates and the government of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the purchase of electricity for the design, financing and construction of the first solar power plant in our country on the basis of a public-private partnership.

23 enterprises from China, South Korea, Japan, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, India, South Africa, Russia, Spain, Norway and France took part in the first qualifying competition, as a result, Masdar was announced as the winner of the tender on the basis of public-private partnership for the construction in Navoi region of a solar power plant with a capacity of 100 MW.

Agreements for the implementation of this project were signed in January 2020. In addition, on November 20 of this year, a meeting was held in the regional khokimiyat with the participation of the Masdar Company representatives, experts from the regional departments for ecology and environmental protection, from the customs department and other involved organizations. At the meeting the technical fundamentals, the expected results of the project and the existing problems were discussed.

At the same time, it is planned to build a wind power plant with a capacity of 500 MW in the Tamdynsky district of Navoi region for $ 500 million. Now, within the framework of this project, negotiations continue to determine the exact parameters.

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