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Uzbekistan plans to introduce social norms for the consumption of gas and electricity

03 июня 2022
Views: 346

The Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Economic Development of Uzbekistan announced the upcoming reform of the energy market, which provides for the introduction of social norms for the consumption of gas and electricity in the republic. A message about this is posted on the websites of these agencies.

“Under the social norm of energy consumption is understood a certain amount of energy paid by the population at a reduced rate. That is, energy is sold at a relatively low (preferential) price up to a certain norm, and above this norm it is sold at market prices,” the report says. The draft of the relevant document will soon be submitted for public discussion.

“Reforms in the energy sector will lay the foundation for setting tariffs for natural gas and electricity on the principles of social justice, as well as for ensuring the continuity and expansion of energy supply to the population and entrepreneurs,” the message emphasizes.

In the Yunusabad district of Tashkent, since January 2019, the basic rate of electricity consumption was introduced as an experiment, which was 300 kWh per month per subscriber. If this norm was exceeded, a coefficient of 1.2 was applied. Due to the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the experiment was stopped.

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