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Uzbekistan will develop hydrogen energy

12 апреля 2021
Views: 1101

A resolution of the President of April 9, 2021 "On measures for the development of renewable and hydrogen energy in the Republic of Uzbekistan" was adopted.

As noted in this document, today in developed countries, serious attention is paid to structural changes in the demand for energy resources in favor of clean and renewable energy sources that replace hydrocarbon resources with other sources, including the development of "green" hydrogen energy.

In 2018, the Republic of Uzbekistan ratified the Paris Agreement to develop clean energy sources, taking on a quantitative commitment to reduce specific greenhouse gas emissions per unit of GDP by 10 percent by 2030 compared to 2010 levels.

At the same time, accelerating industrialization and population growth significantly increase the economy's need for energy resources, as well as increase the negative anthropogenic impact on the environment, and increase greenhouse gas emissions.

In this regard, the country is taking and implementing measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reduce energy and resource consumption, including through the widespread introduction of energy-saving technologies, expanding the use of renewable energy sources.

The design of a hydrogen energy infrastructure is also a comprehensive measure aimed at ensuring the energy efficiency of the economy and enhancing the country's energy security. The creation of this infrastructure, as well as development of renewable energy requires the systematic implementation of thematic scientific and practical research. For this purpose, according to the decree, the National Research Institute of Renewable Energy Sources is being established under the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Also, a research center for hydrogen energy and a laboratory for testing and certification of renewable and hydrogen energy technologies will be organized as part of this institute.

Among the main tasks and activities of the institute, such as the implementation of scientific and practical research and the development of innovative projects for the development of hydrogen  and renewable energy, analysis of modern world trends in the development of these areas, achievement of technological leadership in the region in the creation and implementation of "know-how" in the infrastructure of hydrogen energy and others.

At the same time, an open agreement was signed between the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, ACWA Power (Saudi Arabia) and Air Products (USA) on the development of renewable and hydrogen energy in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The widespread introduction of innovative technologies for the development of hydrogen energy and renewable energy sources is aimed at meeting the energy needs of the economy and social sectors of the country in reliable, safe, environmentally friendly energy, as well as ensuring the transition of the Republic of Uzbekistan to a "green" economy.

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