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VII International Scientific and Technical Conference "Development and Improvement of Reliability of Distribution Electric Grids" attracted a record number of interested participants

22 июня 2022
Views: 458

Interest in the event, which will be held on July 13-14, 2022 in Moscow at the World Trade Center, was expressed by more than 600 managers and experts of the power grid complex from 175 organizations representing 14 countries of the world. Compared to the previous year, the number of conference participants (as of 06/20/2020) increased by 35%, the number of participating organizations - by 50%.

The organizers of the conference are PJSC Rosseti, the magazine “ELECTRIC ENERGY. Transmission and Distribution” with the assistance of the Electric Power Council of the CIS, NRU “MPEI”, ISEM SB RAS. Conference partners are: JSC "UEC", Group of companies "Tavrida Electric", Association "ERA of Russia", Encore Engineering, Promenergo, Forenergo, LLC "Group POLYPLASTIC", LLC "VostokEnergoService".

The two-day Conference Program covers 50 reports on the exchange of experience in the implementation of innovative equipment in distribution electrical networks, improving the reliability and efficiency of the distribution electrical networks, developing automation and communication systems, ensuring cybersecurity of the distribution electrical grid complex and many other topical issues.

Welcome speeches and policy statements to the conference participants will be made by Andrey Mayorov, First Deputy General Director - Chief Engineer of PJSC Rosseti, Evgeny Grabchak, Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation, Olga Prudnikova, Deputy Minister of Energy of the Republic of Belarus, Dmitry Frolov, Deputy Head of Rostekhnadzor, Rector of  National Research University “MPEI” Nikolai Rogalev, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the EPC CIS Taras Kupchikov, President of the Association “ERA of Russia” Arkady Zamoskovny. The overwhelming majority of reports at the event will be presented by technical managers of the largest electric grid companies of  Russia and the CIS countries, as well as representatives from China, Cuba, the United Arab Emirates, and Malaysia.

The conference will be accompanied by a technical exhibition, within which the largest manufacturers of equipment and materials for electrical distribution networks will present new developments and proposals for the development of cooperation with industry companies, as well as solutions within the framework of the import substitution.

Taking into account the high interest of industry experts in the event, registration for the conference has been extended until June 30, 2022.

We remind you that participation in the event for representatives of power grid companies, state design organizations, institutions and universities is free of charge. Registration is required.

For information about the possibility of participation in the event of manufacturing companies and equipment suppliers representatives, contractors, as well as for advertising cooperation, please contact the editors of the magazine "ELECTRIC ENERGY. Transmission and distribution.

Contacts of the organizing committee:

For registration questions: Natalia Zabavina, mob. +7 (926) 844-00-99, office@eepir.ru

For cooperation: Natalia Gusarova, mob. +7 (929) 905-13-37, inter@eepir.ru

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