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Viktor Karankevich and Arzybek Kozhoshev discussed the formation of common energy markets of the EAEU

17 ноября 2023
Views: 57

On November 16, 2023, a working meeting was held between the Minister of Energy of Belarus Viktor Karankevich and the member of the Board (Minister) for Energy and Infrastructure of the Eurasian Economic Commission Arzybek Kozhoshev.

The issues of creating common energy markets of the Eurasian Economic Union are considered. The parties also discussed the agenda of the upcoming meeting of the Council of Heads of Authorized Bodies of the EAEU Member States in the energy sector.

“This year we have made quite serious progress in the programs for the formation of common energy markets, a lot has been done in terms of the common electricity market. There are some isolated issues regarding gas, but we are making progress there too, many issues have already been resolved, coordinated approaches have been found,” noted Viktor Karankevich.

In turn, Arzybek Kozhoshev emphasized the importance of developing mutually acceptable solutions on common energy markets. “We will have to discuss these issues at the upcoming meeting,” he said.

During a working trip to Minsk, the EEC Minister visited the facilities of the Mingaz Unitary Enterprise. He noted the positive experience of Belarus in the field of gasification: “You are a leader in the EAEU space, you have a lot to learn.” Arzybek Kozhoshev also shared his opinion on the achievements of Belarus in nuclear energy: “The BelNPP is the most modern nuclear power plant. Everything that has been done within the project is impressive.”

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