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When using renewable energy sources in the Republic of Uzbekistan, a “green energy” certificate is being introduced

19 января 2024
Views: 59

At the forty-ninth plenary meeting of the Senate, the Law “On introducing additions and changes to certain legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan in connection with the further development of the use of renewable energy sources” was considered.

It was noted that in recent years the country has been implementing consistent reforms to ensure energy sustainability, introduce renewable energy sources and energy-saving technologies, and improve the mechanisms of state support for the industry.

Currently, the share of renewable energy sources in the country's total electricity production is almost 10%.

In this direction, Uzbekistan intends to increase the capacity of renewable energy sources to 27 gigawatts by 2030, and the total volume of electricity production to at least 40%.

This will allow to annually save 25 billion cubic meters of natural gas and reduce harmful emissions into the atmosphere by 34 million tons.

Of course, to achieve these indicators, it is necessary to revise some norms in the current legislation.

In connection with this need, additions and changes are being made to the Law “On the Use of Renewable Energy Sources” regarding the provision and implementation of “green energy” certificates and state support for the use of renewable energy sources.

It is provided that connection to a unified electric power system of electrical renewable energy sources with a capacity of 300 kW and above is carried out only after registration of these sources with a specially authorized state body

The Law also introduces an addition to the Tax Code regarding the exemption from income tax of income from the sale of “green energy” certificates for generation facilities based on the use of renewable energy sources.

The senators noted that the Law serves the widespread introduction of renewable energy sources in the social, housing and communal services spheres and sectors of the economy, eliminating energy shortages in the regions of the republic by increasing energy efficiency and determining favorable conditions and incentive mechanisms for investors.

At the end of the discussion, the Law was approved by the senators.

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