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With GDP grows by 4.7% per year, the demand for electricity will grow by 17% by 2025, and by 25% by 2030, - the Concept for the Development of the Kyrgyz Republic Fuel and Energy Complex

08 июня 2020
Views: 560

The draft Concept for the Development of the Kyrgyz Republic Fuel and Energy Complex until 2030 says that at 4.7% annual GDP growth rate, electricity demand is expected to increase by 17% by 2025, and by 25% by 2030 relative to 2018.

In the context of economy sectors, high growth rates are expected in housing and communal services and services to the public, in construction and  industry due to the development of mining, consumers and processing industries.

According to the document, ensuring energy efficiency of GDP can be achieved with an annual reduction in energy intensity of GDP by 1.5%, and for the period 2020-2030 - by 20%.

The growth rate of electricity consumption should be lower than the growth rate of GDP with an annual decrease in electricity intensity of GDP by 1-1.6%, and for the period

2015-2030 - by 15-19% according to the scenarios. Ensuring a decrease in the growth rate of fuel and energy consumption, in comparison with the GDP growth rate and, accordingly, the regularities of the annual rate of decrease in energy and electricity intensity of GDP, meets the principles of energy-saving policy and  development of “green economy". In the case of GDP growth rates increase, the projected demand for fuel and energy resources will also increase. In this case, the degree of increase will depend on energy prices — the higher their growth, the lower the degree of demand increase.

“The solution to social problems will be ensured by an increase in per capita electricity consumption for the period 2019-2030 1.57 times with  1.18 times population growth and in consumption volumes from 2600 to 2816 kWh per person. Diversification of fuel and energy complex will be ensured by increasing the level of gasification of settlements; involving renewable energy sources with the construction of small hydropower plants and the development of the coal industry, solar power plants and biogas plants, which will help ensure reliable energy supply in the regions of the country and saving of electricity, coal and oil products. So, the draft Concept says that “in the deficient Chui region it will be possible to ensure that they will cover  8-10% of electricity demand, in Jalal-Abad region - 5-6%, in Issyk-Kul region - 2-3%, in Talas region - up to 2%, in Osh areas - 2-3% ”.

According to the authors, the tasks on the vector "Managing demand for energy resources of the real sector of the economy, as well as the formation of a rational structure of the fuel and energy complex of the country and regions" should be aimed at:

- Forecasting the growth rate of energy consumption below the growth rate of GDP and gross output by industry and by type of energy carrier, including industry, agriculture, construction, housing and communal services and services to the public;

- Ensuring the annual rate of decrease in energy intensity of GDP at the level of 1-1.5%;

- Diversification of the fuel and energy complex of the Kyrgyz Republic based on the rational use of fuel and energy  resources and renewable energy sources. 

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