News by 2021
Electricity production growth in Kazakhstan.
Source: Views: 773The government has approved the concept for the development of hydrogen energy in the Russian Federation.
Source: Views: 774The Analitical Center the Government of the Russian Federation published the Energy Bulletin "Cross-border Carbon Regulation: Challenges and Opportunities"
Source: Views: 804Power production in Russian Federation since the beginning of the year increased by 6.2%, power consumption - by 5.3%, power exports incresed 2.1 times, to 12.5 billion kWh.
Source: Views: 774The volume of net electricity consumption in the countries of Central Asia in 2021 increased from 108.1 TWh to 184.9 TWh, - report.
Source: Views: 767On the preparation of energy facilities of the Republic of Belarus for operation in the autumn-winter period.
Source: Views: 744Kazakhstan has become a leader in Central Asia in attracting financing to the water and energy complex.
Source: Views: 725On the progress of construction of the largest CASA-1000 project in Kyrgyzstan.
Source: Views: 1374The Ministry of Energy of Russia intends to improve the system of long-term planning in the electric power industry and establish common principles and requirements for planning and designing the development of power systems. The Ministry has developed a corresponding draft federal law "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On the Electric Power Industry ".
Source: Views: 789The Republic of Belarus approved the Rules for Access to Services for Operational Dispatch Management in the Electric Power Industry and the Rules for Access to Services for the Transmission and Distribution of Electricity.
Source: Views: 753Archive